Hello Gorgeous! Journal
Discover all the benefits journaling can provide for you during this challenging time.
Hello Gorgeous!! I’m Kim!
When my husband passed away, journalling was a Godsend to help me process all of my feelings and grieve his loss. I created this journal to help you process your feelings and help you grieve your old life and embrace the new normal that you are in the midst of. I understand the importance of empowering yourself to have the confidence to face what’s in front of your every new day. Let me walk alongside you as you take this journey that no one wants to take.
We Can Help You Feel Amazing
Hearing the words "you have cancer" is very scary. It’s a journey that no one wants to take—a journey of uncertainty. Hello Gorgeous! wants to help you process some of the feelings that are associated with cancer. Journaling is a practice that has helped me get through some of the most difficult times of my life, including a cancer diagnosis. But sometimes it was hard to get started. That’s why I created a journal to help you as you walk through this. My hope is to empower you along the way.
How Does It Work
Purchase the journal for $7
Download the journal that you receive in your email
Grab your favorite pen
Start writing
I have created some writing prompts to make this process easier for you.
Weekly Planning Pages
The weekly planning pages are for you to use to keep track of all of the things that are important to you.
Kid’s sporting events
Doctor appointments
Fun outings
Date nights
Daily Activity Pages
These pages are for you to fill out daily. There is space for you to write what is on your mind and some easy questions for you to answer honestly.
Questions like;
How are you feeling?
What are you thankful for?
What made you smile today?
How are you feeling today?
How would you rate today?

A Letter To Page
This page to allows you to share your feelings, your frustrations, or your memories with people in your life. Feel free to write a letter to your spouse, your children, your parents, your doctor, or even your cancer. This will help you immensely as you walk this journey. This is for you to keep to yourself or share with your loved ones. This is your journey and you get to fight it any way you want to.