Nominate Someone! 💕
Your Nomination Could Make A World Of Difference in Someone’s Life
About The Process…
In order to nominate a female friend or family member for consideration of a Hello Gorgeous session you can fill out the nomination form using the button below. Remember always that THIS MUST BE A SURPRISE FOR HER– she must not know that they have been nominated nor that they have won, if chosen. They must be a cancer patient or cancer survivor, from newly diagnosed to 6-months post-treatment. In nominating them, you volunteer to act as a contact person between your nominee and the Hello Gorgeous! representative.
This head to toe makeover is comprised of several cosmetic and salon treatments, a makeup application and specific beauty techniques performed by a licensed Makeover Specialist in a mobile Day Spa or salon environment, whichever is currently available. Please do not nominate any individual that have or may have an aversion to such attention or services being done to them.
At this time, we are only able to help a limited amount of women in each area. For more information on how you can help us to help more women with these services, go to our Make The Difference page. God Bless.