Hello Gorgeous!

Impact of Hello Gorgeous!

Founders - Kim & Michael Becker
Hello Gorgeous! is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that is Restoring the beauty that cancer steals in women battling All types of cancer.
Hello Gorgeous! Was started in 2006 by Kim and ( the late) Michael Becker as a calling that was placed on their heart and a dollar from their son.
Hello Gorgeous! Provides services and support to women battling cancer to help these women smile when they look in the mirror.
Our goal is to help her:
Appear much less affected by her cancer treatments
Strengthen her confidence
Empower her to feel more acceptable to her family and friends
And more importantly, more acceptable to herself
Hello Gorgeous! Offers this support in a variety of ways:
Books written by Kim and Mike
Virtual Makeovers
Free Resources
A Variety of On-line Services and Support
Education on How to Keep You Safe
In-Person Makeovers
To read more about how Hello Gorgeous! Got started, Click here

Kim Becker - Founder
My Experience
If I were you I may be asking myself, “Who is this woman and why should I take any advice from her?” So I would like to share my experience with you.
Mike and I began Hello Gorgeous! in September 2005 as a calling, but, I have been a hairdresser for more than 30 years. I have been a national educator for a natural nail care company and an Italian color line; I have traveled throughout the United States and Canada, training other hairdressers on the techniques and benefits of each of these product lines. I have always felt that education in my field was very important, so I have traveled broadly to attend the best seminars and educational events in my industry, even attending the Vidal Sassoon Academy in London.
I have had extensive training in haircutting, hair coloring, nail care, facials and seated massage in the hopes of becoming THE best hairdresser that I could be.
My husband and I then became salon owners, to pass this knowledge on to the next generation of hairdressers. Because dealing with the side effects of cancer on a beauty level is not taught in beauty school, we decided to talk with as many women going through cancer treatment as we could in order to find a way to combat their fears. We have done hundreds and hundreds of surprise makeovers on women with cancer, each of them with their own story and concerns.
We have compiled the knowledge that we gained from each of those amazing women, and placed it in one complete guide for you, this website. We first saw the need for these services 26 years ago when my wonderful mother-in-law, Jeanine, was diagnosed with a glioblastoma in 1996. Michael and I knew nothing then and had very little help to offer her except for a few turbans and a lot of love. But, when we took up this calling in 2005, we began asking questions of the doctors, nurses and of the women battling cancer themselves. We began to ask about the physical symptoms of treatment; what the medical professionals saw and what the women experiencing cancer were feeling.
Many of the effects of the cancer treatment that the women hated the most had to do with how it changed their appearance, not how they physically felt. And so we devised a program to help counter many of the cosmetic effects of the chemotherapy: hair loss, changes in complexion, dry, flaky skin, runny nose, loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. And we came to a conclusion. Cancer steals everything feminine about a woman. It fills her with fear and threatens to steal her beauty, her joy and her life.
The techniques of the Hello Gorgeous! the experience that we demonstrate gives you an arsenal of weapons with which to fight back. We have endeavored to explore every area of beauty that is important to a woman so that you, our Gorgeous Women, can step out into the public eye confident and empowered.
Our Story
My name is Kim Becker and my husband Michael and I started this organization in 2005 as a calling. We owned a full-service hair salon in South Bend, Indiana, for 10 years. When we first thought to open the salon, my husband said to me: “I know what we should call the salon. We should call it ‘Hello Gorgeous.’ ” I promptly told him that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard in my entire life and that we were not calling it “Hello” anything!
I had been an educator for a West Coast nail company many years before and had been very impressed by a salon there in which I had given several classes. It was a beautiful and elegant A-frame building—all glass—and they had served champagne and cheesecake to all their clients. It was called Cheveux, which meant “hair” in French, and I had known that when I opened a salon I would call it that.
“No, no, it will be really cool,” Mike said, “because every time you pick up the phone, if you greet the person on the other end with ‘Hello Gorgeous,’ it would make them feel good.” I told him it was dumb and we weren’t doing it, mostly because the name was already picked out!
We opened Cheveux Professional Hair Design and owned it for ten years. We grew the business quite a bit by the time we sold it. As in every business, we had our ups and downs between employees, taxes, wages, utilities and repairs. But I found that I just could not find the complete fulfillment in the salon that I very much needed. There was just something missing. There was an emptiness that I could not explain. I thought that maybe there was something missing in me.
I went to classes to further my education. I trained in Chicago and Miami and New York and I even attended Vidal Sassoon in London to train, which was one of my dreams. Still, I never seemed to find the fulfillment I was looking for.
I became an educator for the color line that we used in our salon at the time, and I did a lot of traveling for them teaching classes. Many of the salons where I instructed on this particular color line were in downtown Chicago; top salons in the industry were asking for me as their instructor. Still I was not finding that fulfillment I was looking for I thought maybe a change would help. So we moved our salon across town, from one location to another, and tripled our size.
We expanded our services and, over a few years, grew to 14 hair stations (with stylists and colorists from Beginner to Master), massage rooms, tanning beds, nail and pedicure rooms, esthetics room and multiple office staff. We did constant promotions, like referral programs, product sales for holidays, Back-to-School specials for product and services and “The Boss Is on Vacation” sales. We had thousands of clients and did a great business.
Yes, it was coffee and mints, rather than champagne and cheesecake, but a wonderful salon regardless. And still the emptiness was there. That is the only way I can describe it—just an emptiness. In 2005, on a trip back from Indianapolis, Indiana, Mike and I were talking as our son Seth slept in the back seat of the car. I talked with Mike about that same thing that I had been feeling for a year or more—that I just felt like there was something else that we should be doing, that I thought there was a higher purpose for us. Suddenly I looked at him and I said, “I know what we’re supposed to do!” Mike’s eyes got big and he listened intently as he drove because he too was kind of down on our salon.
It had been so much work all the time, for so many years, and it seemed like we just couldn’t get it to where we thought it should be. He was looking for a higher purpose as well. “We’re supposed to have a mobile day spa, a mobile salon that will cater to cancer patients.” “Wow,” Mike said, “that is unique. Wow.” “A place that will be a wonderful and peaceful sanctuary for them—a palace on wheels that will go to their curbside and pamper them with spa services and make them feel like a queen for a day.” “Yes,” he said smiling, “that sounds amazing.” I told him we would offer these nurturing services to women with cancer: facial, manicure, pedicure, makeup and hair styling. I said that we could travel around Indiana doing these makeovers, making hundreds of women happy and changing their lives forever. “YES!” he said again, louder. Mike was smiling more broadly with each idea, thinking of the positive impact we could make on all these people.
“And…” “Yes?” “AND…” “YES?” “And…and all the services we would provide these women would be free,” I said. “We will charge them NOTHING!”
I watched all the color slowly leave his face. “Kim, how are we going to pay for this? How can we make a living for our family?” he asked. “I don’t know. I don’t know how it’s going to happen, but I know it’s what we’re supposed to do.”
We spent the next few miles in the car with my trying to convince him that this is what we were supposed to do. Mike was not buying into it (I could tell) but, being the supportive husband that he is, he stopped at a bookstore in Kokomo and went inside the store to buy me three or four different books on “women and fund raising” and “women and nonprofits” and “grant writing for dummies”—anything he could find that would make this dream come true.
He knew that, once I set my mind to an idea, there was little chance in changing it. I spent the next hour talking about this and how we would make this happen. Mike was not saying much and he was changing the subject just about every chance he got.
About 30 miles from home, our son woke up and we decided to take him into a play area so he could stretch his legs a little bit. As we were sitting there talking, I looked at Mike and I said, “You know what? This is supposed to be called ‘Hello Gorgeous!’ because, when these women feel the way that they do during their fight with cancer, that’s how they deserve to be greeted. That’s what they deserve to hear.”
He still wouldn’t talk to me about it and it took me several months to convince him. We held onto the salon for another year and then we sold it to concentrate our efforts fully on Hello Gorgeous. Since then, Mike has worked six days a week, 12 hours a day at this—up until 2014, I worked three days a week as an independent stylist, in the salon we sold to pursue this dream, supporting our family, as God unfolds this enormous and amazing journey in front of us.
Every woman we are able to help teaches us something. The hugs and tears of joy tell us we are on the right path, that we are making a difference. And Mike has told me that, because of what he has seen with this project and what he has learned from these Gorgeous Women, even if he never gets paid real money to do this job, he will not quit.
God Bless,
Kim and Michael Becker
I was shocked when I was diagnosed with cancer. I was simply shopping at my local grocery store, in the frozen food section. My phone rang, I answered as I always do; "Hello Gorgeous! This is Kim, how can I help you?" It was my doctor on the other end of the phone explaining to me that the biopsy from my colonoscopy came back and it was cancer. He followed it by saying that if you had to have cancer this was a good one to have. WAIT!!!!! What just happened????? I walked into the grocery store a healthy individual and I am walking out as a woman with cancer??? How can that be???
Our Timeline
The Hello Gorgeous! Website gets a freshened look and HOPE, our AI assistant, is launched.
The 3rd annual RED Event takes place to support any woman who has ever heard the words “ You Have Cancer!”
One Gorgeous! Night Event is launched in partnership with WFRN to support women battling all types of cancer. It was an evening of friendship and hope.
The 1st annual RED Event takes place for any woman who has ever heard the words “ You Have Cancer!”
Kim writes 2 journals to better support women with cancer and their caregivers.
The doors open to Kim’s Kloset, a salon inside our corporate office, to make a larger impact on women in the Michiana area, battling cancer.
The Gorgeous! Tool Box, an on-line video library, is launched to better serve women battling all types of cancer
Hello Gorgeous! is looking to replace Faith with Love, a new Mobile Day Spa.
Hello Gorgeous! Salon Affiliate Program is paused due to Covid
Hello Gorgeous! Launches Virtual Makeovers to continue to serve women with cancer in the comfort of their own home while keeping them safe.
Hello Gorgeous! performs a makeover in HOPE and arranges a meet and greet with Garth Brooks for the Gorgeous! woman’s big reveal
Hello Gorgeous! Takes Faith to the IBS New York Hair Show
Faith catches fire and is a total loss
The Co-Founder of Hello Gorgeous! Mike Becker Passes away
Mike Becker is honored on Capital Hill for his work with Hello Gorgeous
Hello Gorgeous! Salon Affiliate Program is Now Coast To Coast
2nd Hello Gorgeous! Book Published
1st Makeover in Faith
Hello Gorgeous! Takes A Multi-State Tour And Attends Hair Show In Florida
1st Hello Gorgeous! Book Published
Monaco Coach restored the 1995 Holiday Rambler and named her “Hope.” They then gifted us a 2012 Holiday Rambler Ambassador and named her “Faith.”
1st Makeover in The Mobile Day Spa
Mobile Day Spa Attends 1st Hair Show in Chicago
Hello Gorgeous! Takes A Tour Of Indiana performing 20 makeovers in 6 weeks
Hello Gorgeous! Salon Affiliate Program Developed
1st Hello Gorgeous! Makeover in an Affiliate Salon in South Bend, Indiana
Hello Gorgeous! Acquired 1st Mobile Day Spa, a 1995 Holiday Rambler Endeavor and had it retrofitted into a Mobile Day Spa
501 ( C )(3) Status Granted
Seth Gives Kim $1.00 To Start Hello Gorgeous!
First Hello Gorgeous! Makeover In Salon
1st GGCL~~ Hello Gorgeous! Fundraiser
Kim Heard The Call to start Hello Gorgeous!
In a recent article for Franciscan Health's Inspiring Women magazine, I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on the transformative power of resilience. The article, titled "The Beauty in the Struggle," delves into the notion that embracing challenges and setbacks can lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for life's triumphs.