Michael’s Angels

"I told the nurse that you were my angels on earth"
"I told the nurse that you were my angels on earth"

Michael Becker Was an Amazing Man with a Larger-Than-Life Personality, a Big Smile, a Huge Heart and Co-Founder of Hello Gorgeous!

For your donation of $25.00 a month, you can become one of Michael's Angels.

Kim talks about Michael’s Angels
Michael Becker was an amazing man with a larger-than-life personality, a big smile, and a huge heart. I would certainly describe him as a peaceful warrior.
In 1996 Michael was diagnosed with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, a liver disease that he would go on to fight for more than 20 years. This diagnosis came with, too many to count, hospital procedures, emergency room, visits, and needle sticks. He never complained or ever asked, "Why Me?" He would always say " I am the luckiest guy walking!"
In May of 2017, Michael had been hospitalized for over a month at University Hospital in Indianapolis for an infection. My sister Trisha and 2 of our Executive Team Members, Julene and Ann decided to venture to Indianapolis and surprise Michael with a visit.
We were both so excited to see the girls. They always had a way of making us smile, laugh, and forget that we were in a hospital for a little while.
When the girls decided it was time to leave they said goodbye to Michael and I walked with them out to the parking garage.
While I was saying goodbye my phone rang and it was Michael. He wanted to know if I was still with the girls. I told him I was and he asked me to put him on speaker.
He shared with us that shortly after we left his hospital room, the nurse came in to check on him. She asked him if the girls that had just left were his family, and he said "I told the nurse that you were my angels on earth." We tried really hard to hold back the tears but they came anyway.
Michael loved everything about Hello Gorgeous! He worked tirelessly to make sure that the women that we serve were taken care of.
For your donation of $25.00 a month, you can become one of Michael's Angels
For a limited time, you will receive a bangle bracelet with a Hello Gorgeous! Charm as a thank you for your commitment of 1 monthly donation for 12 months. Your monthly contribution will help to continue the mission of Hello Gorgeous!, to help women with cancer smile when they look in the mirror.
You will truly be Michael's Angel on Earth. Your support will help further the mission of Hello Gorgeous! And continue Michael's Legacy.