The Hello Gorgeous! Beauty & Cancer Mini Course Series

If you were diagnosed with cancer, would you know where to go for support? Would you know where to go to have all of your questions answered about beauty and cancer? I want to help answer as many of those questions for you that I can. This is why I created these 5 mini courses. These courses will help answer all of your questions surrounding beauty and cancer.

Some of the things that will be covered in these mini courses;
How to care for your nails
How to create a natural look using every day makeup
How to know when your hair will fall out if that is a side effect of your cancer treatment
How to care for your wig
How to keep yourself safe using disposable items
How to create a natural looking eyebrow
What happens when your hair grows back
And Much more
Here is a short video which breaks down what is covered in each mini course.
These modules will hopefully answer the many questions that you may have about beauty and cancer. I would like to invite you to check out our Free Resources page on our website and join our Beauty Tips for Women with Cancer Facebook page. We are here if you need us. Stay Strong and Stay Gorgeous!

Explore Our Courses

Module #1: How Will Chemo Therapy Affect Your Hair?
Through my work with Hello Gorgeous! We have helped hundreds of women as they journey through their cancer, and the question is always the same; “Am I going to lose my hair?”

Module #2: Wigs & What To Do With Them
In this mini course we will provide easy levels of instruction on the simple hints and tips that can make a huge difference when you are struggling with the side effects of your cancer treatment.

Module #3: Easy Skin Care & Makeup Tips You Need to Know During Your Cancer Treatment
This mini - course will provide easy levels of instruction on the simple hints and tips that can make a huge difference when you are struggling with the side effects of your cancer treatment. I would guess that many of you have lots of questions about skincare and makeup. In this module I am hoping to answer as many of them as I can to make this as easy as possible for you.

Module #4: Is it Safe to Visit your Salon During Your Cancer Treatment?
In this mini course we share all of the things that you can do to safeguard yourself so that you can truly enjoy a little self-care.

Module #5: What Happens to Your Hair When it Grows Back After Chemotherapy?
In this mini course we will be talking about all thing’s hair. We will give you simple hints and tips that can make a huge difference as you walk through the next stage of your cancer journey.