The Red Event

The Red Event

Coming February 2026

at the Four Winds Casino Event Center



The Red Event is from 9AM to 2:30PM. Doors Open at 8AM.


 Please Select a Morning & Afternoon Session from the Options Below:

The Morning Sessions will take place before lunch. The Day Session will begin after lunch. Dessert will be served during our Keynote Speakers presentation.


Note: You can purchase tickets for multiple people just remember each ticket needs one morning and one day time ticket session selected.

  • The breakout sessions are broken up into two times, Morning Sessions and Day Sessions. You will select 1 Morning Session followed by 1 Day Session and add them to the shopping cart then check out. You will notice the Morning Session will show a cost of $65 while the Day Session as $0. As you are aware the total cost of The Red Event is $65, for this Checkout system to work in this manner we needed to set it up this way.

    Proceed to cart to checkout after you choose your morning and afternoon sessions option

    We hope this eliminates any confusion. If you have questions please reach out to us at


Note: Proceed to cart to checkout after you choose your morning and afternoon sessions option

The Red Event Sessions

Homemade Journals
from $0.00
sold out
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Pelvic Floor, Understanding the Floor of Your Core
from $0.00
sold out
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Hair Changes and Challenges: What is Happening and Where Do I Go From Here?
from $0.00
sold out
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Finding Peace in the Storm
from $0.00
sold out
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How your breath helps you heal: before, during, and after cancer.
from $0.00
sold out
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Balance - Fall Prevention
from $0.00
sold out
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RE-Dreaming the Philosophy of Beauty
from $0.00
sold out
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Beautiful Presence Found Within through Mindfulness and Visualization
from $0.00
sold out
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Grace for YOU, Dear Caregiver
from $0.00
sold out
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For More Information