Just Start
I am that person that has to have all of the "conditions" right to start something.
If I am going to write, I want the perfect notebook and just the right pen. If I am going to start a diet, I want it to be at just the right time.
I remember talking with Millard Fuller, the Founder of Habitat for Humanity about my dream to start Hello Gorgeous!
I shared my vision for the mobile day spa and the women that we would serve.
I remember asking him " How much money should I have in the bank to get started?" and in his southern draw, he said, "Kim, you would be really silly to start without a dollar!" He went on to say " You just need to start! These women don't care where they are taken care of, they just want to be taken care of!"
That was almost 20 years ago and I have never forgotten that. And you know what? We took his advice and we just started taking care of women battling cancer and they loved it. Even though it wasn’t perfect in my mind it was perfect for them.
Jennifer Allwood wrote a book entitled Fear is Not the Boss of You. It is a great book with lots of nuggets. The one that stands out to me the most, is where she shares that so many of us wait for conditions and timing to be perfect to start something. We use perfection as a delay tactic. Her advice was to strive for a B- with the promise to do better next time. But just start.
I cannot imagine where we would be had we not just started. We had the opportunity to help women battling cancer and shape our national salon affiliate program because we just started.
Job 8:7 says,
"Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be."
I remember wanting to wait to have "enough money" saved before we started our family. Had we waited for "enough money" I would not have the awesome son that I have today!!!
Don’t wait for conditions and timing to be perfect. Just start. Do what you can with what you have to start that fitness journey, or start the business that is on your heart, or the family that you always wanted.
What's one thing that you can do right now that will put your dream in motion? Just one thing!! You will be amazed when you start with one thing, the things that will come next to keep you moving. Just try it!!!