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The Beauty in the Struggle: Kim Becker’s Story of Faith, Cancer and Calling
Kim's Thoughts, Kim's Story, In The News, HG Updates! Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts, Kim's Story, In The News, HG Updates! Applified Marketing Group

The Beauty in the Struggle: Kim Becker’s Story of Faith, Cancer and Calling

In a recent article for Franciscan Health's Inspiring Women magazine, I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on the transformative power of resilience. The article, titled "The Beauty in the Struggle," delves into the notion that embracing challenges and setbacks can lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for life's triumphs.

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Mike’s 6 Year Anniversary
Kim's Thoughts KIM BECKER Kim's Thoughts KIM BECKER

Mike’s 6 Year Anniversary

I can not believe that it was 6 years ago today that you left us. Some days it feels like forever ago and some days it feels like yesterday. Trisha and often joke that you are working harder in heaven than you ever worked here on Earth!!!!

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Why Journal??
Kim's Thoughts, Education KIM BECKER Kim's Thoughts, Education KIM BECKER

Why Journal??

When Mike passed away, next to my faith and family, journaling is what got me through that tough time. There is something about getting ALL of the words and feelings out of my head and down on paper! I believe that there is great value in journaling which is why I created a journal for your cancer journey.

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…..And Then God Showed
Kim's Thoughts KIM BECKER Kim's Thoughts KIM BECKER

…..And Then God Showed

I have discovered that it is really hard to have faith in the unseen. It's all well and good when things are going my way and I can see a way out. But when things are rocky and there is no relief in sight, that's when I find myself struggling.

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What do you do to Persevere?
Kim's Thoughts KIM BECKER Kim's Thoughts KIM BECKER

What do you do to Persevere?

The definition of perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. When I answered the call that God placed on my life, I mistakenly thought that life would be easy. I really believed that if I was obedient to God that he would protect me from all of the evil that life had to offer me. I realize now, that I set myself up for failure and was absolutely fooling myself.

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Don't Stop Believing
Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group

Don't Stop Believing

Every day I pass a church on my way to work.  They always have a message on their lighted sign. I see the sign but I very rarely read it. Today I did read and it hit my right in the heart.  It read "Faith is a journey, Don't stop believing!"

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Let It Be Good
Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group

Let It Be Good

Do you have a tendency to borrow trouble? Are you looking at things as a glass-half-full person or for reasons that things won't work out? Sometimes I feel that I fall into that category.  Sometimes I can't let things get too good. 

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Just Start
Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group

Just Start

I am that person that has to have all of the "conditions" right to start something.  If I am going to write, I want the perfect notebook and just the right pen.  If I am going to start a diet, I want it to be at just the right time. I remember talking with Millard Fuller, the Founder of Habitat for Humanity about my dream to start Hello Gorgeous!

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God Gives and God Takes Away
Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group

God Gives and God Takes Away

We are all under the illusion that we have control of the things in our lives and the things that happen to us. I am the biggest offender of this.  I would say all the time, that I spent the first 13 years of Hello Gorgeous! Telling God how to run the calling on my life.  LOL Like I had any say!!!!

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"You have to keep going
Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group

"You have to keep going

I remember vividly the Thursday before Michael died. He was in a hospital in our hometown. He had been hallucinating all night. He was working hard to save people that were not there.

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Life's Lessons
Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group

Life's Lessons

When I met Michael I was 24 years old and he was 30.  We had our entire life ahead of us.  He was a spitting image of Mr. Clean, big gold earring and all.  Michael was a bodybuilder in college and still had his bodybuilder physique when we got married.  He was so strong.  He was known to hoist a couch up on his shoulder and carry it out to a guest's car when he worked at Meijer.

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Joy is a Wonderful Thing
Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group

Joy is a Wonderful Thing

Every year in January I plan a retreat for my executive team. I have done this for more than 10 years.  Every year I ask each of my team members to pick words that will be the so-called theme for their year. I love seeing the words they chose and how they were y put into play during that year.  This year my word was JOY. 

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Do You Take Things for Granted?
Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group Kim's Thoughts Applified Marketing Group

Do You Take Things for Granted?

Last weekend I had the opportunity to be a tourist in my home town. The University of Notre Dame is in my backyard and yet I never seem to take advantage of the beauty that the campus has to offer. We took in the full-blown tourist experience.

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