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Why Journal??
When Mike passed away, next to my faith and family, journaling is what got me through that tough time. There is something about getting ALL of the words and feelings out of my head and down on paper! I believe that there is great value in journaling which is why I created a journal for your cancer journey.
Hair Color & Your Cancer Treatment
I understand that you don’t know what you don’t know. I have no idea what my life would be like without hair color on my hair, but I understand that that school of thought isn’t for everyone. So, if it is for you keep reading, if not I understand.

What happens to your hair during cancer treatment?
I remember working as a stylist behind the chair and having a salon guest come in and share with me that she was just diagnosed with cancer. I remember the fear in her eyes, fear of the unknown, for so many things. I was grateful to have had the knowledge to at least share what I knew.