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Michael's 5th birthday without him
Kim's Thoughts, Michaels Legacy KIM BECKER Kim's Thoughts, Michaels Legacy KIM BECKER

Michael's 5th birthday without him

On March 6th, 2022 my late husband, Michael would have 61 years old.  Sitting with a friend talking over a cocktail, I was sharing with her how was I going to make it through. I really wanted to do something that would be fun, but that would honor Michael. That is when I came up with the idea of performing random acts of kindness to celebrate Michael's first heavenly birthday.

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The Reason for a Random Act of Kindness
Michaels Legacy KIM BECKER Michaels Legacy KIM BECKER

The Reason for a Random Act of Kindness

For more than 25 years my late husband and I celebrated our birthdays together. Our birthdays were 6 years and 1 day apart. We started celebrating our birthdays the morning of his birthday and stopped celebrating our birthdays the evening of my birthday. I always teased him and told him that God made our birthdays one day apart so that he would never forget my birthday.

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A Letter to Michael on 3 Year Anniversary...
Michaels Legacy KIM BECKER Michaels Legacy KIM BECKER

A Letter to Michael on 3 Year Anniversary...

3 years ago, today our world changed forever. The unthinkable happened……. you left us for the ultimate karaoke bar in the sky.

I really never thought that it was a possibility. We had our love story planned. You were going to live to be 96 and I was going to live to be 90 and we would die together in a fiery crash in our red Maserati going 120 MPH on the Audubon holding hands.

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The Perfect Funeral
Michaels Legacy Applified Marketing Group Michaels Legacy Applified Marketing Group

The Perfect Funeral

I planned a lot of things for Michael in our life together. I planned our wedding, he did help, but I did most of the planning. I planned a surprise trip to Puerta Vallarta for His 40th birthday. I surprised him with a party for his 40th and 50th birthdays. I planned the vacations the date nights you name it, I was the planner in the marriage and I enjoyed it.

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