Gorgeous Blog!
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Malibu C and Hello Gorgeous Unite to Offer Beauty Treatments for Cancer Patients
Malibu C, a pioneer in natural and vegan hair care, has partnered with the nonprofit organization Hello Gorgeous to offer cancer patients a special chance to enhance their empowerment and boost their confidence.

The Red Event 25’ - A Day of Empowerment, Hope, and Unforgettable Moments
From the moment the doors opened, the atmosphere was electric. The room was filled with laughter, tears of joy, and a palpable sense of community. It was a day where women connected, shared stories, and found renewed hope.

Hello Gorgeous Red Event Empowers Cancer Surviving Women
Hello Gorgeous held its 3rd annual Red event, which helps female cancer survivors shine again.

Cancer Patients Treated to Surprise Make-Overs Through New-to-Area Non-Profit
Terpstra surprised the first local recipient of the “Hello Gorgeous” program this week at the Cedar House Spa in St. George. Rachel Hughes was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and has since undergone 21 chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments.

Thank You for Teeing Off for a Good Cause ~ A Successful Golf Outing
On Monday, August 19th, 2024, our community gathered for an extraordinary day at Knollwood Country Club, participating in a charity golf outing that combined the perfect mix of fun, challenge, and philanthropy. With clear skies and enthusiastic participants, the event raised crucial funds for Hello Gorgeous!, a nonprofit dedicated to helping women with cancer smile again.

3 Questions About Wigs: Helping Your Newly-Diagnosed Salon Client
I remember back in the late 1980s, during my interview to sign up for beauty school, the school owner told me that I had chosen a great profession. He explained that given our world of growing technology, computers could aid me in this profession but could never replace me.

Hair After Cancer: Whether to Whisper, Talk, or Shout
Many times during a Hello Gorgeous! Makeover Experience, a woman may tell us that she no longer feels "girly." We know that cancer steals everything that makes a woman feel feminine; her eyelashes, her eyebrows, and even her hair.
Your Salon Guest Has Cancer. Now What?
I remember the day that I was standing behind the chair. I took a look at my schedule for the day to see who was coming in. I am sure that I am not the only one that has their favorite salon guests. I was excited that day because one of my favorite guests was on my schedule.

The Red Event 24’ - The Energy Was Unstoppable!
The room was electric from the moment the doors opened. The energy was unstoppable. Music like "Uptown Funk" and I Got A Feeling playing made it hard to stand still and not bop along.

The Beauty in the Struggle: Kim Becker’s Story of Faith, Cancer and Calling
In a recent article for Franciscan Health's Inspiring Women magazine, I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on the transformative power of resilience. The article, titled "The Beauty in the Struggle," delves into the notion that embracing challenges and setbacks can lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for life's triumphs.

Mike’s 6 Year Anniversary
I can not believe that it was 6 years ago today that you left us. Some days it feels like forever ago and some days it feels like yesterday. Trisha and often joke that you are working harder in heaven than you ever worked here on Earth!!!!

Why Journal??
When Mike passed away, next to my faith and family, journaling is what got me through that tough time. There is something about getting ALL of the words and feelings out of my head and down on paper! I believe that there is great value in journaling which is why I created a journal for your cancer journey.

The Red Event 23’ Was An Amazing Day!
As a non-profit leader, there is a lot of fundraising to do and many events to plan. I came to the realization that we plan many events to raise money and awareness to help women with cancer, but we had never put on an event for women that had ever heard the words "You Have Cancer!"

Kim's Kloset ~ A Dream Come
When we first started the Hello Gorgeous! program, we only offered the surprise makeover. A woman with cancer would have to be nominated by a loved one and we would work with them to pull the surprise of a lifetime. What we soon realized is that some women didn’t have a support system to nominate her, or there were women that we helped once with a makeover and who had been re-diagnosed, and we couldn’t offer any type of assistance. That is when the dream of Kim's Kloset emerged.

…..And Then God Showed
I have discovered that it is really hard to have faith in the unseen. It's all well and good when things are going my way and I can see a way out. But when things are rocky and there is no relief in sight, that's when I find myself struggling.
What do you do to Persevere?
The definition of perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. When I answered the call that God placed on my life, I mistakenly thought that life would be easy. I really believed that if I was obedient to God that he would protect me from all of the evil that life had to offer me. I realize now, that I set myself up for failure and was absolutely fooling myself.

Kindness Lasts Longer Than You Think
For more than 2 years now, I have met my friend Wendy for bible study every Tuesday morning at 7:00 am. We meet at a Panera and I order the same thing every week. 2 pieces of sourdough toast and a large unsweet tea.

Don't Stop Believing
Every day I pass a church on my way to work. They always have a message on their lighted sign. I see the sign but I very rarely read it. Today I did read and it hit my right in the heart. It read "Faith is a journey, Don't stop believing!"

Let It Be Good
Do you have a tendency to borrow trouble? Are you looking at things as a glass-half-full person or for reasons that things won't work out? Sometimes I feel that I fall into that category. Sometimes I can't let things get too good.

Jinger Brinkly
The cornerstone of everything Jinger does is Jesus Christ. She credits her creative abilities to God and His providence. She recognizes that perseverance is gained through refining. She is humbled by the people God has brought into her life, knowing that we cannot accomplish anything alone.